Monday, February 05, 2007


The topic for this week is fantastic. You know the drill.

(Also, for those of you who still want to partake in the the shirt contest, post up your stuff soon. We need to have a decent amount to show the elders so they can choose one. Do it)

He's slimy and he's comin' to dinner!


~Katie W.

DUDE. I had a nicer version of this but I closed it by accident without saving (well, didn't save since the initial sketch). So this is the quick, "screw the background" version. Why is she standing like that? NO CLUE. It's GOZER-- are you a god?

-asd;lfkajsdflkajdf kait

P.S. I swear I'll get to the general VL shirt thing eventually

I always imagined this was the true end to the Stay Puff man lol. Art done on a post it note as I was too lazy to draw anything bigger. Yay post its!


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